Go Inspire Go Goes Global, Rolling out weekly GIG blogs for Huffington Post & Thank You!

Wow, this week has been full of surprises.

After being invited to be a regular blogger by the Huffington Post (Living Section) people around the world started linking to the blog and video; India, Hong Kong, Sweden…

My first blog was about 5-year-old Phoebe, from San Francisco. Her compassion for homeless and hungry people in her community sparked a project. Her goal: to raise $1,000 for the San Francisco Food Bank in two months. Her goal was exceeded and she ended up feeding more than 18,000 people!!! Check out our video:

Here’s a quick update from the SF Food Bank:
***So far, according to the SF Food Bank, they’ve received $492 from 14 donors who have either gone in through the Phoebe Fund link on our homepage or made a donation in tribute to Phoebe!

Also, they’ve had donations from Louisiana, Michigan, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Minnesota and other areas outside of California since our story went live here on the Huff!

So awesome! Way to go everyone and Phoebe! ***

The blog quickly became one of the Top 5 on the whole website, then the media caught on and our video went viral! Thousands of hits and comments/videos/etc., ensued…

We’ve been getting emails and nods from around the globe! Awesome!

This is the affirmation the GIG team and the media and world needed. When I started this project, last March, I thought, if I could just help one person, or a hand full of people in my community, then the project would’ve been a success in my eyes. So it brings tears to my eyes that this project went global, thanks everyone for sharing and please continue to:

1.) Share the videos and website www.GoInspireGo.com
2.) Bookmark or link to our site
3.) Make a small donation via PayPal acct. on the front page of our website!

*Meanwhile, I just finished my 2nd blog about an amazing real life angel in New York. Stay tuned…

GO Inspire GO Press


Alyssa Milano tweeted us:

@Alyssa_Milano (aka “Phoebe Halliwell”, the SF witch from Charmed – the irony!)
RT’d the story to her followers…all 135,000+

Current TV
Yahoo Buzz
AOL — Good News Now (GNN)
The Huffington Post
Growing Edge
Democratic Underground

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