Tea With Toan

Have you ever met someone who touched you so deeply your soul shifted? For me and the millions who’ve been touched by the gentle giant known as Dr. Michael Pritchard, you know and you feel what I’m talking about.

Rethink Yoga. Rethink You.

In this latest “Tea With Toan,” Toan Lam chats with Kim Shand, a nationally-renowned yoga expert whose empowering story and life lessons in overcoming a birth defect and depression will inspire you to rethink yoga and rethink your life.

About Tea With Toan

A moment to reflect and be present

In the spirit of GIG’s mission to create a global platform to share inspirational stories and experiences, Toan Lam, founder of GoInspireGo.com, video chats with people with diverse experiences over a cup of tea. While sipping tea, guests share how they’re “using their personal power to help others.” These uplifting and energizing short video-vignette podcasts are shared online with Go Inspire Go, the Huffington Post and Deepak Chopra’s Intent.com.

One of the biggest gifts the Go Inspire Go journey has given Toan is countless hours of meaningful conversations with people around the world. He wanted to pass this powerful gift along to share the inspiration.

Why tea? Toan and his team love all kinds of tea. They believe tea warms you from the inside out like a good conversation. We hope that you walk away inspired to take action. How can YOU use your power/gifts/talents to help others?

If you or someone you know wants to be considered for an interview, send us an email at info@goinspirego.com