GIG SPARK: Spreading Peanut Butter Sandwiches

While in San Francisco, 15-year-old Bailey Branham was sad to see so many homeless people while on the way to summer school. She realized many of them were holding signs asking for food. Bailey heard about Go Inspire Go’s GIG Spark (Youth Lesson on Compassion Program) and took action.

“As a student, I don’t work, so I don’t have much money, but I could afford a peanut butter sandwich,” she explained. So she bought a loaf of bread, sandwiched some peanut butter and love in between the slices and headed out to busy, bustling downtown San Francisco to hand them out to homeless people along Market Street.

Besides inspiring you to give what is in your power, Bailey also wants you to tell them to “have a great day.” You can see from her GIG Spark video how something as small as a peanut butter sandwich sparked so many smiles and gratitude! What a sweet idea, even without the jam!

We hope this video inspires you to do something nice for someone in need in your community in the next 24 hours.

Gigster: Bailey Branham
Where: San Francisco
Spark: Giving peanut butter sandwiches to the homeless.
Your Turn: What thoughtful deed can you do to help others in need? Do it and share with us. We may just share your GIG SPARK video with the world!


As part of GIG’s mission to inspire our viewers to discover their power, we developed GIG Spark: A Lesson on Compassion. We want you to identify a problem in your community and be the change by capturing your action in a short 1-1:30 minute video. The goal is to inspire action in everyone that witnesses your good deed.

We’re inviting YOU and your community (school, organization, friends, etc.) to use your passion and creativity to produce a “GIG Spark” and inspire viewers with your story. This is for anyone who can shoot and edit short videos.

Inspiration can be fun and infectious! We believe in the power of small acts and using technology to crowdsource ideas, capture it on video, spread the word online, and inspire immediate action. We know that people (especially youth) care and want to do something good for others, but just don’t know how. So why not teach compassion to kids and adults in your life? This is a quick way for you to use your power to spark civic engagement and inspire a small ripple of kindness that will create a domino effect…

We can’t wait to see inspiring acts popping up all over the state, country, and world! What can YOU do?

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