Tea With Toan: Inspiring Heart and Community Through Photos

Welcome to Go Inspire Go’s first installment of “Tea with Toan.” In the spirit of GIG’s mission to create a global platform to see and share inspirational stories and experiences, Toan Lam, GIG’s Chief Inspirator, video chats with people with diverse experiences over a cup of tea. While sipping tea, guests pause, reflect and share how they’re “using their personal power to help others.”

Name: Kat Sloma in Corvallis, Oregon
Occupation: Photographer
Power: Inspiring Presence and Heart Through Pictures
Catalyst: Living in Italy
Tea: Hot Cinnamon Spice

Just in time for Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re in a relationship or planning a “Love Don’t Live Here Anymore” themed party — take some time out to tell someone you love them. Life’s too short. Then set a date with yourself to appreciate yourself and the work you do. You make your life happen! So validate your world and share your love with the people who are in NOW! Don’t know how? Here’s a blog post that will inspire you to reflect and be present. NOW!

What do you do with your pictures after capturing the perfect landscape, loved one or moment? How many times have you snapped a photo, saved it — and then…nothing? If the picture perfect photos are still digitally archived, you have to watch my “Tea with Toan” interview with photographer Kat Sloma. Her “Photo-Heart Connection” project will give you a new appreciation of your photography while connecting to other images around the world. No matter what type of art you’re creating, this short podcast will inspire you to pause, reflect and appreciate the people, and those special moments in your life. Learn a new skill and allow your love of your world to be captured in time. Share these moments with loved ones, friends and family, it may lead to a new passion or love of your very own.

Immerse Yourself:
1. Visit the kateyestudio.com website
2. Share: At the end of the month, review your images and identify those with the strongest connection to your heart and soul. Write about that connection in a blog post, or in a photo description on Flickr, then link into the monthly link up. You have the opportunity to know other photographers seeking the same connection, by visiting the links and reading their experiences.
3. Be inspired to regularly pause and reflect in your work — be present. It’s the journey that will pass you up if you’re not in the moment.

If you or someone you know wants to be considered for an interview, contact us.


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