A TRUE Angel In Queens, New York

I hope everybody is having a fantastic summer!

Things are sizzling over here on the Go Inspire Go (GIG) side. These are just a couple bullet points of milestones we’ve hit:

1.) We filed for the 501(c)(3) status, so we can be a nonprofit organization, that inspires the community and world!

2.) We have a PayPal account widget linked to our main website www.goinspirego.com and this blog (look over to the right) — please ask all your friends, family, co-workers, etc., to donate so we can continue to do inspiring stories!

3.) We have more than 2 dozen volunteers, so if you would like to help, please contact us at goinspirego@gmail.com

4.) People have come out of the woodwork wanting to help; from making GIG tee shirts, to creating and printing fliers/business cards, a GIG facebook fan page manager, event planner, etc!

** We now have fliers with tabs on them for your distribution, please let us know if you want the PDF, so you can print them and post in coffee shops, at college campuses, etc.

5.) Any ideas, we want to hear them! Please contact us through the site or email listed above!

4.) There are also some amazing stories down the queue, including this one:
Thanks to Terrie Crowley, of Illinois, for sending in this story.


I’ve interviewed thousands of people in my nearly 10 years of being a TV news reporter and magazine show host, but I can truly say that Jorge Munoz is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. A school bus driver by day and Angel by night. Please take a moment to visit his website after viewing this story: www.anangelinqueens.org

AND once again!

Go Inspire GO (GIG) is proud to announce that we have the wheels in motion to create Go Inspire Go, a non-profit organization.

Please donate $5, $10 or how ever much you can so we can continue to do stories, like this one, that inspire the world to take action. And please forward this video to everyone you know via email, Facebook, etc.


An Angel in Queens, New York: School Bus Driver Responsible for 70,000 Hot Meals and Counting
‘Surprise!’ An Angel In Queens Follow-Up, The Gift That Keeps On Giving
An Angel in New York (a continued series brought to you by Toan Lam)
Toan Lam Heads To New York

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