Wow, where did 2016 go?
Time is fleeting. With all the news this year about the passing of legends such as David Bowie, Prince, George Michael, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, many of us are thinking inward about our own lives, our own legacies. I sure am thinking about it. Where did the year(s) go? Now more than ever, I’m daring myself to share more of my truths, my story, with the world.
I believe it all starts with intention. Last year, I dared to share more of my story, personally and professionally. This led to a feature on this past January about my story. What the ?! Growing up, I carried a lot of shame, thinking, “Who would care about a poor Chinese immigrant kid growing up in South Sacramento?” It turns out my story was worth caring about.
Sparked by the Forbes article, I sought to do more motivational speaking. I told my business mentor I wanted to use my voice and story to inspire others to be better and do better for themselves and others. My mantra during my talks is, “Be careful what you intend and think, because your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, because what you say becomes real and manifests your reality.”
Guess what? As the universe would have it, people and organizations reached out to me and as a result I booked 14 speaking engagements this year!
One of the core messages I share with my audiences is you are powerful beyond what you can comprehend and you, yes YOU, matter.
As I reflect on this whirlwind year, I’m grateful for many things — thank you Jesus! It was a busy year, crisscrossing the U.S. for passion projects:
1. Throughout the summer, I went on a Media Institute tour, sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation, with Asian American Journalists Association brothers and sisters to Washington, D.C., Gulfport, Miss., and Santa Fe, N.M., to talk to nonprofit leaders about how to tell their stories to the media. I also had the opportunity to produce a legacy documentary project in partnership with AARP (more on that shortly) and embarked on a screening and Q&A tour across Northern California, Las Vegas and Virginia, with more showings to come in 2017.

Then, I joined my soul sister Kala Shah to spread our Community Heroes message about empathy, compassion and action to middle school students in Marin County, Calif. Last but not least, just before the crazy November election, Wilmington College invited me to speak at the Westheimer Peace Symposium about using storytelling and social media for social good. Lord knows we need more peace in the world in 2017!
2. As mentioned earlier, 2016 marked one of my most meaningful endeavors — a legacy project. I’ve always wanted to be a filmmaker and work with elders (my family and I unexpectedly became caregivers for four older family members who all passed away within about a year of each other). As fate would have it, I produced my first documentary about caregiving heroes in the Chinese-American community, titled “Caregiving: The Circle of Love.”

This collaboration between Go Inspire Go and AARP aims to help people engage with loved ones on the sensitive but important topic of caregiving and provide them with valuable resources such as the free “Prepare to Care” toolkit. We all are connected by caregiving – we will either be a caregiver, be cared for or both. My family and I were woefully ill-prepared. My hope is that you won’t make the same mistakes we made.
Craving more of the conversation? Here’s an in-depth look.
3. This year was also about experimenting and having fun with video making. I created an 18-episode series called “Shots of Inspiration” — a weekly short video about an inspiring thing you need to know about, delivered to your inbox or social media feed. This has opened to doors to possible partnerships to create inspiring content on a wider scale in 2017!

As I look back, I feel so blessed. I remember being a college student, working more than 30 hours a week and interning my butt off, telling myself, “I just want an internship. I just want to get paid to be a TV reporter. I just want to help people and make a living by doing what I love — talking.” #manifestedit
Fast-forward 16 years later, I’m in awe. Why did I worry so much? I’m grateful I’m working on projects I’m passionate about. Reminds me of my fave Oprah quote, “Passion leads to purpose.” Hallelujah for living a purpose-filled life! All the challenges — being broke, scared to take the leap, scared of my own light — have helped me illuminate my own future.
What’s next? Want to know the truth? I have been keeping this secret for several months so I’m excited to finally announce… I signed a contract to produce my very first PODCAST with Strawberry Hill Productions! They’re the same company that is producing Eckhart Tolle‘s upcoming podcast and which also works with Michael Bernard Beckwith and Hay House Publishing. Through my experiences as a TV reporter, PBS host, college instructor and public speaker, I’ve realized one thread that binds the fabric of our human experience: so many people want to share their personal/intimate stories and tell their truth. The truth-telling is usually followed by deep breaths and tears. To me, it’s cathartic. It’s an amalgam of everything that has made Toan, TOAN! My journey has led me to this new podcast titled “TruthDare” launching in January 2017.

More about TruthDare:
“How many people truly know the real YOU? This podcast is a series of intimate conversations and truth telling to uncover who we are and why we have been hiding. Do you have the courage to live your truth? And dare to be more of YOU?”

So, looking back at 2016, what are you grateful for? What challenges have helped you grow? What are you going to do to be better and do better in 2017? Please share in the comments below. I want to know!
I’m feelin’ that 2017 is all about renewal — a new you, a new me. Let’s do it together. Ready to discover your power and truth and share with sparkle with the world? Join us on this truth-telling revolution. I dare you.
Stay tuned.
Onward and upward,