My Secret Tidying Trick

Let’s be real, keeping a place tidy is hard for us busy peeps. Whether you’re in school, have kids or run a business, it’s hard to keep a home in order, much less read and touch everything you own to see if it brings you joy (for the record, I love me some Marie Kondo).

One of my secret tidying tricks is — using trays. I’m actually obsessed with collecting trays, haaay! I have metal trays, woven trays (baskets), wooden trays and bowls in almost every room of my home.

Metal serving tray curating, organizing and displaying toiletries.

Woven tray used to store laptop.

Here’s a video I created to inspire you to start hoarding trays (just kidding, kinda):

Take Action

Here’s why I use this tidying trick. I hope this inspires you to play with trays.

1. Easy to put away items you don’t have time to organize when friends come over.

2. Your eyes rest better and things look more curated when you put stuff on trays instead of being splayed all over a table.

3. Trays inspire you to curate things that bring you joy for guests to see and enjoy.

Metal tray with a diffuser, perfume vase, palo santo and crystal.

Extra Extra

What can trays teach you about organizing your life? A lot, actually.

When it comes to staying on top of your busy schedule, it’s important to create lists, which are virtual trays to keep you on task and your accomplishments checked off.

Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, the founder of Apartment Therapy, says he uses physical trays with his clients to organize room motifs/themes.

Yay for trays! I want to know, do you use trays for tidying? If not, what do you use to put things in place when time is of the essence?

If there are questions or design solutions I can help you with, hit me up on social and please share with your design and design-challenged friends.


Follow me: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram.

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