Put Yourself and Home On Your Schedule

One of my biggest life lessons is something I learned from my buddy and co-host of our Facebook Live show “YOLO with ToLo,” Lonnell Williams. Every week, he and I connect online to share wisdom and crowdsource wisdom revolving around a theme, like discovering your power, living your truth or getting through life’s challenges.

Lonnell is one of the wisest, funniest and most authentic people I know. Fun fact — he became real-life friends with Oprah Winfrey over Twitter. He passed along this advice from Oprah that really made me think: You need to put yourself on your schedule.

With my soul brother, Lonnell Williams, on “YOLO With ToLo.”
Oprah and Lonnell. Credit: Instagram (@3lwtv)

This reminded of a time several years ago when I had to put this into practice because of weight gain issues. Every time I got busy (which was often), I would put my workouts and myself aside. It finally clicked one day, and I made a promise to myself that I would exercise 3-5 times a week, even during the busiest seasons in my life. I’m happy to say I have stuck to that promise for more than seven years.

I realized I also needed to do this in my personal, professional and spiritual lives, and of course, in my design endeavors. In today’s video, find out how DECIDING to put yourself on your schedule and taking baby steps will cause big life changes in your home and heart:

Take Action

If you don’t take time for you, you can’t give the best you to your kids, partner or friends.

The same goes for interior design. Here are some simple tips to get started:

1. Start small. If you want to declutter but feel overwhelmed, do just one cabinet or closet at a time. If there is project you need to tackle, like hanging a candelabra or putting a picture in a frame, aim for one a week and you’ll feel the change opening up inside you. The key is to do it.

2. Find your tribe. Make it a family affair or get friends involved. It’ll be more fun and you’ll have someone to hold you accountable.

3. To inspire yourself and stay the course, throw a dinner party or a “house party.” Nothing better than having a soiree on your schedule to keep you on track.

If you learned something new or are inspired to put yourself on your schedule, let me know in the comments below. If you need help with a design dilemma, holler in the comments section below. Sharing is caring, so hit that follow button and share this with your peeps.


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