How to Make a Fun and Fab Homemade Face Mask

To wear a mask or not? So many questions to unmask, y’all.

Can face coverings prevent the spread of COVID-19? If I’m wearing a mask and someone sneezes on me, will it offer some protection? What about homemade masks?

As of April 3, federal health officials recommend we cover our faces with fabric during this pandemic.

After chatting about this new guideline with friends, several wanted to learn how to make a simple mask at home.

So, I did some research. From fabrics to no-sew solutions, I got your back. Here’s an Instagram Live video with step-by-step instructions on how to create a DIY face mask:

*Keep in mind, this is a good temporary solution as N95 masks are hard to find. IF you are immune compromised, elderly or considered “high-risk,” contact your doctor and get a certified N95 mask.

I’ve scoured the internet and read articles on how to make a DIY no-sew face mask and included links to questions you may have about Face Masks 101.

Here are a few helpful resources:

This New York Times article has comprehensive info on what fabrics to use, how to make a DIY mask, and how it could protect you and others:

If you wear glasses and have a problem with fogging, here’s a simple solution that only requires a tissue.

I also discovered NPR’s tips and answers to our most pressing questions around wearing masks via Katie Couric’s IG. Here’s some of the answers:

If you have any other DIY mask-making tips or questions, please DM or comment below. Be safe and well. Air hugs!


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Making lemonade out of lemons is difficult, trust me, I know. However, I wouldn’t trade those experiences and the one I’m going through now, for anything!