Time to Fall Back and Embrace the Magic

Can you believe 2018 is almost coming to a close? Where did the time go?

I remember an exhilarating moment during a hike last year. I recall being filled with the simple, yet powerful, joy of witnessing the fall leaves changing.

I remember thinking, “OMG! I love the crisp smell of autumn. The crackling of dried leaves beneath my feet. The colors. The shapes. The changes. The magic.”

I thought, “Why aren’t people as excited as me about the leaves changing? Isn’t it amazing?”

This moment reminded me to rejoice in the magic all around us and the simple things I take for granted:
-Eating/Sharing a meal with a loved one
-Melting away in bed and feeling the warm sheets against my body
-Learning something new
-Spending time with people I adore
-Being in nature
-Walking barefoot on the beach
-Excitement of something good that is about to happen around the corner
-Waking up and saying this prayer: Thank you for one more day to be better and do better

I urge you to make a list of the things you’re grateful for. Then make a list of the things that don’t serve your best self and let them fall away with the season.

Here’s my list:
-People who bring down my energy … #ByeFelicia
-Feeling guilty for not completing my to-do list
-Surrendering to the opportunities that I thought would be perfect for my professional goals
-Worrying about things I cannot control
-Not accepting “what is”
-Obsessing over my rice belly and not having flat abs

I love nature. She teaches us so much. If we only pay attention.

Happy Fall 2018!


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