Happy Social Good Day (and week)! How you can take action…

I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has the power to make positive change in someone’s life or in their community – that’s why I left my TV career and dedicated my life to my passion project, GoInspireGo (GIG). Today and this week, I’d like to you to join my team and Mashable in celebrating Social Good Day!

Here’s how you can use social media to a make difference NOW:

1. Mashable is an amazing, intrepid and innovative platform that encourages individuals around the world to use social media to benefit their communities through meet-ups, fundraisers, multimedia, and public education campaigns.

2. It’s quick and easy, just click here → Mashable Meetup on Social Good Day to meet others interested in “using social media to inspire social change” and to find out how you can participate.

3. In celebration of Social Good Day, please check out three of our inspiring GIG videos that exemplify how easy it is to make a difference. At the end of the videos, there is information on how you can create change. And of course sharing is caring, especially today – please join our community on Twitter and Facebook and spread the goodness!

Happy #SocialGoodDay!

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