In my favorites section… I’ve included a short film on hunger in America. It is to date, one of the most heart-wrenching videos I’ve seen on hunger- it won a prestigious award. Break out your tissues, this is a sad one, but what I hope it does, is inspires you to reach out and do something! Wow! I am humbled, saddened, grateful. Overall, I am inspired, that someone took time to make this video to share their forgotten stories. I invite you to do the same and link it to my YouTube Channel. We can all learn from this, and be inspired to figure out what we can do to help the ongoing hunger epidemic!, click on YouTube Channel!
Foraging Fun: How Will You Make Time to Play Today?
When was the last time you played? While it may seem counterintuitive, I’m inviting you to release judgment and simply allow yourself to luxuriate in play.