Toan Lam Heads To New York

While Toan Lam is out of town for the next week or so, I shall be receiving the inspirational words from his many wonderful events that are taking place. I will be posting his thoughts and feelings, as well as his reports on some unbelievable and truly phenomenal moments. Please check here every day. ESPECIALLY THE NEXT FEW DAYS!!!!!
cheers! -LG


Surreal. Exciting. Inspiration.
Just a few words to describe this tingly feeling inside — after working relentlessly with my Go Inspire Go (GIG) Team — to bring GIG to the worldwide multimedia platform and bring you inspirational stories to your computer. I take several deep breaths a day to stay grounded, taking it all in. Our Vision is taking shape;

That you and others think about what resources and talents you have to better someone elses’ life. Many notable venues of information, from TV to the world wide web are taking notice of Go Inspire Go and now the world is watching.

I am sitting here at the San Francisco International Airport in awe, as I await for a plane headed to New York to do a follow up on the Jorge Munoz story. Our goal is to become fully sustainable, so I can travel the world with my GIG team, shoot inspiring stories and finally roll out that multiplatform show we’ve been brainstorming about. We promise you, it’ll be a ground breaking exciting event. Our audience? The world. That’s the wonder of the world wide web and the super social networking explosion. I’m putting it out to the universe now: My dream is to use Social Networking to INSPIRE social change! My eyes water and sting with passion as I think about the two mega-entities that are surfacing! A Go Inspire Go non-profit dedicated to doing the aforementioned, while creating an interactive TV/Web talk show that encompasses and encourages viewer involvement. We here at Go Inspire Go are at the verge of a breakthrough, non-static show format that is revolutionary. It will happen. I can feel it in every cell of my body. So many signposts are leading our vehicle of inspiration to collide with destiny.

Wow, what an amazing few weeks it’s been.
Not only have my two blogs and videos on the Huffington Post made it to the top 5 most read catergory, Yahoo! Aol and inspirational blogs and other multi-media outlets; TV, internet, chat rooms, YouTube, etc., around the world are participating! People from all corners of the world have contacted us, with inspiring stories, video and text comments, emails, and even phone calls. I was pleased to find out yesterday that USA Today also embedded our latest blog, on Jorge Munoz, a school bus driver, who is responsible for tirelessly and selflessly cooking more than 70,000 hot meals for the needy in his neighborhood, in Queens, NY. He is a true Angel and the epitome of giving. Speaking of Angels, the cosmos and the energy or stars must be aligned. I couldn’t have written the numerous blessings and things that have fallen into place that has led me to sitting here in this cushy — ok it’s not that cushy– black faux leather seat at SFO. Not only has every story we’ve created stirred such a buzz with the world, so many people are stepping up to help the folks featured in our videos. (There’s a link at the end of most GIG stories that gives you more information on where to go to help out and make a difference.) A shift is happening. The world is ready.

Thanks to Chris Cuomo, Good Morning America’s anchor, who saw our ‘Tweet’ — sweet! I’ve been in a whlrlwind of e-mail correspondences, telephone calls with a team of their producers and lawyer, because they contacted us last week (through our YouTube page) to ask us for permission to do the Jorge Munoz story. Cuomo gave such big kudos to Go Inspire GO as he plugged GIG three times as GMA ran our video and told the story we featured on

I want everyone to definitely stay tuned and check out our website often, for the latest updates on what’s GIG’n with Go Inspire Go (GIG). And to get the latest inside scoop please enter the site, designed by the wonderfully talented Lorelle Graffeo, who has gone cross eyed and her fingers pink from plugging (and sometimes pounding) away on her Imac that is about to crack and go dim. (One day, we’ll be able to replace it with money and proceeds raised from GIG– I promised her). It seemed to have paid off so far (a virtual clap for Lorelle, aka plastique gal

As I end this installment of my GIG Blog, I want to leave you with this:

I realized that Jorge’s story taught me that you don’t have to have a lot of money and resources to make a difference. Look at Jorge’s video, for example, he’s responsible for more than 70,000 meals (and counting) but his story is more far reaching. And let me tell you, GIG is a fully volunteer driven non-profit, and I can assure you, we’re not making ends meet yet, but we have struck gold, in many ways because of you the viewers that connect with us and take part in this journey. (Thank you so much GIG’sters for your talent and hard work.) So many people are e-mailing us telling us they’re sharing our blogs and videoswith others, their children, churches and schools. Go Inspire Go! I am truly humbled. Our little engine that could, Go Inspire Go is gaining a lot of steam– so I invite you to hop on and join us on this journey. GO GO GO…

Ok, gotta jam and board the plane. Onward!

Related Stories:
An Angel in Queens, New York: School Bus Driver Responsible for 70,000 Hot Meals and Counting
Toan Lam Heads To New York

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