A Call for Creative Lights in Wake of Post-Election PTSD

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of the #2016election. It’s unlike me to not want to get out of bed, feel despondent and be unmotivated. To be real, the day after the election I stopped reading any Facebook posts that had to do with politics — blue or red.

I need a detox.

My social media feed, personal conversations and exchanges on the streets echo the same sentiments. We’re tired. Sick and tired. We’re terrified. I get it. The day after the election, I went to my Facebook feed to find solace, but as I got sucked into all the negativity, anxious feelings seeped in again.

Tears flowed as I saw images of swastikas and heard stories of hate crimes on the rise (post election) and kids telling parents they’re scared they might have to pack up and leave the comforts of their home. One openly gay millennial posted on FB that he is scared for his safety and his rights to love openly. He asked for some words of comfort to calm his anxiety.

In the face of this, we have two options:
1. Be part of the change and spread light in the world.
2. Be part of the problem and fester in the dark.

I choose to move forward.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Here are several things I did to get myself out of what I call the #PostElectionPTSD:

1. Be of service: Many folks tell me they feel helpless. We all have the power to shift that energy.

I reached out to a few people I mentor who felt mired in depression. We spent time simply talking about their feelings and mine. It turns out trying to help them has helped me even more!

Still at a loss at what you can do? Put your money where your mouth is. Donations to organizations like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have spiked since the election, so donate to causes you care about!

2. Spend time doing more of what you love. What brings you joy? Reading? Exercising? Binge watching a Netflix flick? Do it!

I love cooking, writing, designing (see flowers on right), spending time with loved ones and yoga. Actually, I’m going to yoga tonight at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco — yes, yoga in church! It’s a special session taught by renowned instructor Darren Main and the benefits go to Yoga for Change to benefit at-risk youth! All we have to do is show up with a mat and donate $20. Double yeah!

3. Gratitude. Counting and writing down the things you’re grateful for rewires your brain to look for them and brings awareness to all the awesomeness in your life.

4. Sing, laugh & dance. No explanation needed. My guilty pleasure is Googling “Adele news” to see what’s up with my favorite chanteuse. Sounds creepy, I know, but HELLO, how can you not love her?

5. Share kindness/kind news. The first thing I did after the election was write this bloggity: “The KIND of America I see.”

Writing and eating favorite snacks and drinking tea to calm nerves.

Now it’s your turn — let’s flood people’s social media feeds with positivity.

I started to feel better when I saw this Instagram post:

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Artists, let's get to work. #ManifestJustice

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Calling all creatives: get creating! I had an idea and a challenge as I deal with this #PostElectionPTSD. I’m a creator. If I’m not creating, arranging, writing or doing something creative, I feel stifled. It also helps me relieve stress.

So write, design or create something that brings light into the world and share it with your network and me! Alternatively, I urge you to share something positive you’ve experienced or heard on your social feed or in real life. Would love to spread the kindness y’all are seeing: Tag me: #PostElectionPTSD @toanlamtv @goinspirego

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, let’s change what we see, say and think. According to a study by the University of British Columbia, good news results in better people.

I believe this so much, I left my successful TV news career seven years ago to discover and share positive stories — and their impacts have been more uplifting than any storybook out there. We all have the power to spread light.

Spent time with soul sister Kala Shah and Michael Pritchard.

Please take a moment to share your light with me. Together, let’s set the internet on fire with kindness, compassion and love. Don’t forget to share the good you’re seeing in the world with me! #PostElectionPTSD @toanlamtv @goinspirego

Onward and upward,

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