Bringing Nature Inside Your Home and Heart

One of my all-time favorite happy places is … anywhere in nature. The energy she emits. The calm. The natural design of Mother Nature cannot ever be compared to anything man or woman has made. Period.

Whether I’m hiking on one of my favorite trails in the woods or going for a quick walk along the beach, I always feel refreshed, recharged and re-energized after spending time connecting to source or spirit. While on a mini-speaking tour in NYC and D.C., I scheduled some time to see family in Tampa, Florida.

While I was walking along the shoreline of Honeymoon Beach in the Sunshine State, two things dawned on me: I realized both nature and my home make me feel nurtured — places I go to recharge. I wondered why, and then I thought, this simple design tip could also bring some natural flow in your home. Here’s the download I got from Mother Nature as I walked along the shoreline:

Take Action

Nature is also the best teacher when it comes to being in the present moment. With our busy schedules, it’s easy to forget to nurture our natural state of mind. While I searched for seashells by the seashore, I thought of one of the most beautiful life lessons my soul brother, Lonnell Williams, told Oprah: “Put yourself on your schedule.”

So I am going to do just that, starting today. I am putting time on my schedule to spend more time for walks along the water, hiking and just sitting in the park. And when the San Francisco days get too chilly or rainy, I can simply enjoy this natural state in my home that is already filled with gifts from nature.

Extra Extra

One of the best ways to feel nurtured in your home is to bring nature in. Nothing manufactured can compete with Mother Nature’s natural design. So, bringing wood, minerals or natural fibers like linen into your space will create a calming feeling, the same kind of nurturing you feel in nature.

If there are questions or design solutions I could help you with, hit me up on social and please share with your design and design-challenged friends.


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