Dusting Doom — How You’re Probably Dusting WRONG

Don’t dust another thing until you read this blog ⁠— you are probably dusting WRONG!

I’ve been suffering for allergies a ton this spring and summer and noticed there’s a lot more pollen and dust swirling around my home ⁠— achooo! When I saw this Apartment Therapy article on how we could be dusting wrong, I had to share it with you. I’m happy to say I actually already do what they suggest, but when I shared with some friends, they were surprised they had been dusting the wrong way all this time.

This video was shot in my master bedroom, where I show you why you may be feeding and multiplying those dust bunnies instead of chasing them away.

Take Action

1. You may think it is cute using a feather duster, but all you’re doing is swooshing the dust around. The right tool to use is a microfiber cloth, which collects the dust instead of spreading it around your space. If you’re dusting your room, I suggest you wash your sheets after you’re done dusting if your bed is near your bookshelves or end tables like mine.

2. Microfiber cloths are super cheap and can be bought in bulk from places like Amazon, Target or Costco. No microfiber cloths? No problem. You can use used dryer sheets.

3. Clean from top to bottom. Get those chandeliers, top of the bookshelves and work down. If you’re dusting the top shelves, the dust that doesn’t collect on your cloth will be caught when you’re working on the shelves below.

4. When you’re done dusting, mop or vacuum floors to get the excess dust.

Extra Extra

This blog was also inspired by a Good Housekeeping article on tips to get rid of dust. Dust away, my bunnies 🙂

Simple feng shui principles show that dust, like clutter = stuck energy! When you get your home in order and clean, things open up in life. Try it and let me know if you notice anything new.


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