Morning Resets: Keep Your Mind and Spirit Sanitized

Cue the music on this fifth day of the coronavirus quarantine craze!

“Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!”

I woke up wanting to sing this morning, y’all! What do you and I have to sing about today? A lot. Let’s start off with the fact that we woke up, are breathing and get to have another day to reset.

Starting your day by “sanitizing your spirit” and mind is important. I got that phrase from Iyanla Vanzant of “Iyanla Fix My Life” on the OWN network. That practice really resonated with me. We do so much exercise, what about the “inner”-cise? It starts right when you wake up.

Instead of reaching for your phone and reading bad news or checking your social media accounts, start with a routine that lifts your spirits.

Here’s a video of what I’ve been doing to start each day, even before the pandemic took over our lives.

My morning routine:

1. Wash hands.

2. Drink a tall glass of lemon water.

3. Fill up mug with hot water or tea so I can hold it and keep my hands warm while I meditate.

4. Open the window to let in fresh air and clear stale energy that’s collected during my slumber.

5. Meditate. If you don’t know how or where to start, I got you. I vlogged about how to start, stay on track and strengthen your stillness, boo!

6. Gratitude. I think of at least three things I’m grateful for. Sometimes I’ll jot them down in a journal. Make it a daily practice to notice and be aware of the things you’re grateful for because it trains your mind to be in the present moment.

On my walk yesterday, I noticed the water, a fountain and flowers that are not only blooming, but seem more robust amid this pandemic.

Gratitude and embracing the present moment during walks around San Francisco.

If you’re feeling out of whack, starting off the morning with this routine is essential to setting us up for a GOOD day.

Speaking of good days and getting through them, I have been doing daily walks (while maintaining social distancing), virtual workouts stoop/porch chats with neighbors, virtual calls and IG Live chats with heroes/helpers.

I’ve also noticed a lot of boarded-up storefronts around town. Some are preparing for the potential looting, some have shut down completely. Small businesses are hurting bad.

A number of businesses in San Francisco are now boarded-up. (Photos by my friend @kyndove)

If you can, please buy takeout at local restaurants. Here are a few local businesses in S.F. I adore:

Some of Toan's favorite local restaurants in S.F.
Local businesses I adore in San Francisco: Ashley’s Cafe, Angelina’s and Le Sandwich

Ashley’s Cafe, has a GoFundMe campaign to help keep staff members on payroll.


Le Sandwich

My friends at San Francisco CrossFit have asked members to keep their memberships open if they can afford it (they are offering online classes), while small business owners are asking folks to buy gift cards for themselves or for friends.

I am so grateful for all these businesses that have made San Francisco unique and character-filled during both the tech boom and these seemingly uncertain times.

I am grateful for folks using their power to help others and for sharing content:

Iyanla is sharing inspiring content on the daily.

Katie Couric is curating and sharing updates on the coronavirus.

Joanna Gaines is encouraging us to stay connected by sharing pictures on Instagram of what folks are doing in their homes to pass the time using the hashtag #WeBelieveinHome

-Many of my fave performers are sharing their power to lifts spirits by giving free concerts: Coldplay, Alicia Keys and John Legend.

I am grateful for those of you who are reading/watching my content. Really, it’s great therapy and a way for me to process this new normal. What are you doing to be better and do better during the #coronavirus craze?

Much love to you,

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