Celebrating the Light in the Coronavirus Era

Good morning! It’s another day that we get to do this again. With the rising sun, there are new opportunities, new conversations, new things to learn on the horizon. But as each day progresses and we watch more news and scroll through social media, the light of the morning eventually turns to darkness as the sun sets.

Amid the darkness, my question is, how many of you are taking time to look and gaze in awe and splendor at the stars and the universe? Without darkness, there isn’t light and vice versa.

This morning, I awoke with some more unease. I knew I needed to up my ante with my morning meditation to calm my worries and fears. So per usual, I drank a tall glass of lemon water, followed by filling up my favorite mug with hot tea to hold while I meditated from my perch, a.k.a., my apartment on one of San Francisco’s marvelous hills.

Here’s a message of calm I wanted to share with you about being well during these trying, uncertain and fear-mongering times.

Three thoughts came to me this morning about how to CALM yourself and face fear, how to TRUST that you are and will be OK and why we need to celebrate the NOW.

So, on this fourth day of quarantine, how are my Bay Area peeps doing? Meanwhile, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced yesterday that today will be Day 1 of lockdown for the rest of California.

What are you doing to calm yourself and your beloveds from the fear? How are you trusting that we will be well? And how are you maintaining and celebrating this sacred, special time that you’re given to be with your loved ones, be with yourself and do you, boo?

For more of my blogs and interviews I’ve created to calm my body, mind and spirit during the #Coronavirus craze, go to GoInspireGo.com. And remember, sharing is caring. Please support by sharing the blogs and your thoughts on how you’re dealing during these bizarre times. I trust that you, me, we are and will be well!

Virtual high-five,

P.S. Here are my previous vlogs about these coronavirus times:

The Power of Connecting in a Time of Social Distancing

Time Out for a Coronavirus Mind, Body and Spirit Check

Amid the ‘Manic Panic,’ a Call for Coronavirus Heroes

Broadway Star Salisha Thomas Finds Hope, Inspiration (and Dancing) in Face of Coronavirus Shutdown

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