Thriving and Moving Forward During the Pandemic’s Pause

The truth is, no matter who you are, the pandemic has affected us all in EPIC proportions and in ways we may not even realize.

Whether you’re dealing with the loss of your health, wealth or have grieved the death of a loved one, it’s been HARD personally, professionally and spiritually, y’all.

I admit — during the pandemic, I’ve had some highs and a lot of really low lows, and oftentimes felt like a LOSER. I struggle with feeling like I should be farther in life, have more this and that, or be out there elevating humanity in a bigger way.

One moment, I’m feeling optimistic. The next, I feel trapped, suffocated and in despair.

I just spoke with Cynthia Q, a dear friend who is turning the big 4-0 soon. Cynthia and I met at the Unity 99 journalism conference back in 1999 when we were both part of a broadcast student project. We hadn’t been in touch for more than 20 years!

We talked about the big 4-0 milestone along with other ups and downs and how we’ve both felt the “would have, could have, should haves” during our more than four decades on Earth — and how the anxiety of wanting to be further in life (and the lack thereof) has been amplified during the pandemic. Then we had a good laugh about how we were both overachievers and our own worst critics. Silly us!

Here’s my reflection and video diary on how to not only keep moving forward, but THRIVE during the pandemic’s pause.

Take Action

1. The truth is, we should stop comparing ourselves with others. We are each walking our own unique awesome journey called life. When you compare, you’ll always be in discontent and unhappy. Be in the moment.

What brings me to the present moment? Being in nature, spending time with people I love (virtually counts too), cooking, working out, journaling, creating or designing anything.

2. Sit in the darkness and write down the things that makes you feel uncomfortable. Then create a list of the things or accomplishments you’re grateful for. You’ll realize that You. Rock. My. Friend!

3. Take a deeeeep breath. And remember that worrying about what you can’t change is stealing away your joy. Stay positive.

I know, the times seem even more uncertain and scary. It’s crazy, it’s wild, and we don’t know. We aren’t meant to know. But I know that if we stay positive and think good things are around the corner, that’s what we attract, y’all.

Love you,

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