This morning while I was meditating, something new and refreshing happened.
Usually, I meditate on my alpaca rug facing the windows to the east to welcome the sun. However, I had the urge to fling open my windows, sit in my $10 Goodwill cane-back chair and feel the breeze on my face. After noticing a hummingbird (my spirit animal) perched outside on a clothes line, I realized something bigger than me was calling for me to take a fresh look at a seemingly stagnant moment in my life.
I’m all about mixing up routines and moving furniture around so you can gain new perspectives, but this was different and spontaneous.
I thought, “Wow, I’ve lived here for well over a decade and never used this specific space in my home.” I generally sit in the same worn-out spot on my couch, LOL!
Learning to make time to sit in an unused sacred space inspired this “Style Your Spirit” video:
Take Action
This lesson made me think — what if I made it a point to sit in a different spot every once in awhile? Here are some other benefits:
1. Moves stagnant energy around in spaces that aren’t used.
2. Maximizes the square footage you’re already paying for.
3. Forces you to reassess the space you have. I thought, if I am not using this sacred square footage now, what can I do with it moving forward? Can I use it for a new meditation spot? A new reading nook? I gained a whole new perspective!
Try it and let me know what you’re feelin’ in your new space.