One Key to Getting Unstuck

It’s a fact of life — there are times when everything flows on all fronts. But just like there is the ying, there is also the yang. There’s a time in everyone’s life when we feel stagnant. Sometimes, it shows up as anxiety, fear or that icky stuck… in… the… mud feeling.

Whether it be for a design project or while in a personal, professional or spiritual rut, here’s one simple tip you can do to make a change. You have the power — the power of one!

Take Action

The most important thing to do when you’re feeling stuck is to start small and take one step, one action to move you and the energy forward!

Here are some tips I covered in the video:


Your physical home: Filled with memories and mementos, your place is easy to feel stuck like molasses. So let’s mix it up! Move one thing around, donate one thing, declutter one room, paint one room. You get the point. Do that one thing now and get the energy flowing.

Your physical body: Many people have been asking me about my workout routine. My advice is just get started and be consistent. Do one push-up, one pull-up, one workout one day a week. By the end of the month and the year, you’ll see it pay off and the weight come off.


Make sure to take one deep breath a day. Or maybe it’s continual deep breaths for one minute a day. Increase it to an additional minute each month. By the end of the year, you’ll be in the habit of mindfulness and meditation.


Do one kind thing for yourself or for a stranger. Get to it!

For yourself, perhaps you can journal one page or read a page from a favorite book each night. Or go on one walk a day or one walk a week. Get to steppin’….

Look out! One step, one action leads to two, three… you get the point. Once you start, you’ll see a domino effect of change.

The key is that it starts with the power of one. You have the power!

Let me know what action you’re inspired to take in the comments below.

Onward and upward,

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“Style Your Spirit” features fresh, quick videos with a SIMPLE design tip to create a BIG shift in your perspective. These videos were borne out my mission to inspire you to be aware of the beauty around — and inside you.

When you change your space, you change the place inside you. It’s even more exciting when you find it and share that spark and sparkle with others. Some of us just need a little inspiration to discover it and take action. You’ll find it here.

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