New Year’s Intentions/Resolutions Check-In

Can you believe we are a month into the new year? Where did the time go? New you, boo. Well, NOT really. Let me explain.

New Year’s resolutions are like any fad diet. They are not sustainable and at some point we lose track and crash. So I shifted my perspective and instead of trying to stick to the ominous “resolutions,” I do “intentions.”

I was inspired to check in with you and create this video to inspire you to be better and do better for your body, mind and spirit.

In an effort to be kinder to myself (we are our own WORST critics), I decided to change my perspective a few years ago and instead of making resolutions (such a loaded word), I set intentions.

If you’re curious what the difference is and why I made the switch, here’s a blog I wrote about “Why I Went From New Year’s Resolutions to New Year’s Intentions.

Ninja Toan tip: Gather your tribe and hold each other accountable. Trust me, it works. Just ask my intention-setting sisters, Kate and Keely. Every six months, we get together for self check-ins and let me tell you, it is food for our souls. We laugh, cry and dream every single time we meet.

My intentions for January 2019 to January 2020 were threefold:

1. Create more content. If you’re a creative, you know you are dying a little every day when you aren’t creating something, be it writing, arranging flowers, painting, etc. I know it sounds dramatic, but it’s true. Coming off a sudden death in my family three years ago, I finally began healing last summer by creating fun videos that manifested into my “Style Your Spirit” series. I created short, fun videos around one themed interior design tip and one tip that lifts your spirits, like candle care and how it reflects self-care.

I realized I was hung up on trying to be perfect, instead of having fun. So I became aware of that “stickiness” and let it go and had so much fun!

Thanks to the healing process that was stemmed from these videos (greatest therapy), I also manifested my biggest dream: to host my own talk show. More deets on social media @toanlamshow woot! —> Shameless plug, please show some love and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

2. Speaking of having fun, another intention was to enjoy life more each day. If you’re not having fun, why do we even exist?! For me, fun doesn’t have to be super structured. It could involve reading more, spending time with friends or going for a walk. What do you do for fun?

3. Meditate more. Every single morning, I sit in stillness, be it for 10 breaths minimum on busy days or 10 to 30 minutes when I have more time. Many peeps have asked me about my morning routine and how I meditate. More on that in an upcoming blog.

Take Action

What are your resolutions or intentions? Or do you even have any?

If you’re interested in how to hold a productive and fun intention setting session, grab some friends and check out this blog about what we do: “How to Achieve Productive and Successful Intention Setting Sessions

What do you do to hold yourself accountable personally, professionally and spiritually? Sharing is caring. Let me know in the comments below.

Happy new decade, y’all.


Follow us: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram.

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