Happy Love Day, or for those of you who celebrate it, Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!
To be on the real real, whether in a relationship or not, I’ve never celebrated this day because IT FEELS FORCED. The prices of restaurants, flower and candy are inflated, and there is this feeling of “OMG I have to get my boo something just because it’s a commercial holiday.”
To me, this holiday doesn’t feel like festivities authentically coming from the heart. I’ve asked friends about this and the results seem divided. Do you or don’t you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Here are my thoughts:
Well, I do kinda remember having an “Anti-Valentine’s Day” way back in college. A love-don’t-live-here-anymore party that my friend Anocha and I planned. Basically, the idea was not as melancholy or dark as it sounds. It was an opportunity for our friends to get together and celebrate our singleness and love for ourselves and one another. OK, I digress…
I admit there are some things I love about Valentine’s Day:
-Texts or calls from random friends.
-More awareness of thinking about people you love, and an excuse to show that love, be it physically, materially, etc.

I actually learned from my buddy Kevin that in South Korea and other Asian countries, Valentine’s Day is celebrated by having just the ladies give their beau a gift or token of love, usually by way of chocolates.
A month later on March 14 (or “White Day”), guys return the favor by getting gifts for their lady.
One month after that on “Black Day” (April 14), single peeps gather to celebrate/commiserate by eating black bean noodles.
After an unscientific poll (a.k.a. talking with my beloved friends), I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no right or wrong way to celebrate any day. Rituals, traditions and celebrations are important, be it a “special” holiday or every day.
Which leads me to think, no matter your relationship status or what country you’re in, I wanna know what you do to celebrate love! Send your stories my way via social (@goinspirego).