‘Me to We’ Mentality: Time to Hit That Reset Button

How are y’all feeling on Day 11 of your #coronavirus isolation? Anyone in need of a physical and mental reset?

As I process what’s happening around us, one word describes this new reality: bizarre.
-Confined spaces as people stay home from school and work
-Wariness of grocery shopping, walks and other essential activities
-No hugging, no touching and 6-foot social distancing are the norm

Where’s that reset button?

Just because we are physically isolated doesn’t mean we should mentally isolate, too. In fact, the more connected you feel to others, the more likely you are to be healthier, both physically and mentally.

Studies show you’re less likely to catch a cold, experience the blues, and you may even live longer.

One of the blessings of our current state of affairs is I’ve been able to connect with many more people who were previously “too busy.” I’ve noticed one common thread in our conversations — having a routine is essential to not going crazy.

I had the opportunity to talk about the importance of staying connected with others and rebooting our new normal with KTVU Fox 2’s morning show today. So I invite you to hit the reset button with me. Ready, Set, let’s Go reset what I call the “Me to We” mentality:

Start with “Me” and Self-Care

We’ve heard the whole “put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you help others,” right? It’s critical that we take some time for ourselves.

Here’s my daily routine each morning:
-Wash hands
-Drink a tall glass of water
-Meditate/Me time. Even if it’s just 10 breaths or one minute, we need to sit in silence for our minds to reset.

If you want to meditate longer and need help, try a guided meditation. Here’s one, aptly named “Coronavirus Meditation: Remember What’s Really True.”

To preserve some normalcy while sheltering at home, continue to wake up at set times, shower, get dressed and make the bed daily. Routines help you feel grounded, calm and productive.

Now that our minds are moving, it’s time to move our bodies.

There is no better way to feel physically reset than by working out. There are so many free fitness routines online that you can do from home. If you need added motivation, buddy up with friends via virtual workouts.

Exercising keeps your mind sharp, floods your body with extra oxygen, helps your blood flow and boosts mood-enhancing chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine.

Let’s Get to the WE, as in Community!

Leverage technology. Get a mental health boost with a little digital face-to-face. Be creative, I’ve done:
-virtual dinner parties
-virtual tea/coffee dates/happy hours
-virtual DIY dates
-virtual birthday celebrations

Sing “Happy Birthday” for the reason it was meant to be sung.

I can’t tell you how much my spirits have been lifted from this gift of technology by staying connected to family and friends.

When it comes to social media, don’t just mindlessly scroll through your feeds. Sure, some “Likes” give a quick boost of the ego, but the “feel-good” lasts longer when you have deeper interactions.

Here are some ideas:
-Comment on or compliment your friend’s post
-Share a friend’s passion work or small business that may need attention or is struggling during these times
-Community kindness: If you can, donate to a charity or share a fundraiser on your social media page.

Small acts of kindness ripple out to big changes for you, me and the community.

Also, don’t beat yourself up if you’re not being or doing your best. We are all charting new, unknown territory right now.

When you’re feeling upset, it’s important to reset. Remembering to do “Me” and “We” helps balance out and counter the bad news, stress and monotony of the day.

Much love,

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