My Webchannel was featured on TV!

I’m happy to report that my YouTube Webchannel and Tent City story made it on the local news in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My former co-worker from Midland, TX and good friend, Jessica Garate is a Anchor Reporter for KQRE. She saw my site and featured it on her show! Thanks Garate 🙂

Please click on this link and toggle to the middle of the video.

I am also going to Sacramento this week (My hometown) because the FOX and ABC News stations are doing a story on my movement and the teacher who was so inspired by my Tent City story, she used it as a teaching tool. The subject? How to be a good citizen!

Also, please subscribe to my Channel and my blog, if you haven’t done so already!

I also want to thank everyone for the kind and thoughtful comments, story ideas and e-mails, and to those of you who have asked yourselves and me, “What can I do to make a difference in my community?” Oh, I’m also so excited that a viewer asked me where she could donate her extra tent that’s sitting in the garage, to the homeless folks featured in my Tent City Story… So moving! The goodness keeps on coming. The cup runneth over. I’ll include some of the responses in the next posting.

Onward! GO Inspire GO!

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