There’s something I’m fully enjoying during this pandemic that’s helping ease my mind, body and spirit — tapping into creativity. I LOVE seeing what y’all are making — from your quarantine baking and cooking chronicles to crafts, writing, and flower arranging.
Creating puts a pause on wandering thoughts and allows us to focus on the present moment and the project at hand. This message came from a download during a morning meditation. Here’s how creativity is helping me get through the coronavirus crisis.
I’m not going to lie, I’ve had my moments with the not-so-nice parts of this epidemic. The uncertainty. The misinformation. The new normal of social distancing. The loss of a good friend from COVID-19.
In response, I’ve been feeling the feels, meditating (sometimes twice daily instead of my usual once a day), praying and journaling — all things that bring me out of the darkness and into the light. But to be real-real, I’ve had to work harder than ever to be at peace and tap into joy.
When I reflect back on my most difficult of times, I’ve noticed a pattern. Getting into my creative space is like a vibration tuning me into a frequency of exuberance. This realization has brought healing and helped me through the gloom.
What’s bringing you light and back to the present moment during this COVID-19 crisis?
Take action, create something and share that beauty with the world. WE can get through this TOGETHER.
Onward, upward and inward,