How many of you are feeling insane in the mundane? MOI!
I was inspired to pop into your feed to send you this message today: Find the Sacred/Joy/Happiness in the mundane or you’ll go insane
The last few weeks have been marred with anxiety and sadness in my personal life (I’ll spare you the dramatic details, LOL). As if the heaviness of the world wasn’t daunting enough — with the COVID-19 pandemic, BLM and the political pandemonium — climate change has forced us to change even more.
A week and a half ago, fire, lightning and smoke storms intensified that apocalyptic feeling here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dry lightning strikes sparked more than 600 fires, raining ash down upon us, and a fog of smog continues to linger in most of the Bay Area.
It seemed like even more of our freedoms were being stripped away — the simple, mundane pleasures of going on a walk, jog or working out at the park have been thwarted.

Part of my spiritual practice is to notice discomfort when it arises, so after engaging in a pity party for a few moments last night, it hit me. I took a deep breath and it was as though a little voice told me, “calm yo-self, boy.”
I noticed I missed things that seemed super mundane before the fire and pandemic’s pause gripped our lives — going out for a stroll without having to check the air quality, eating at restaurants, meet-ups with loved ones, friend’s homes, entertaining beloved at my abode, concerts…. The list goes on.
These freedoms seemed to be snatched from us without notice. Here’s a download from the divine that I wanted to share with you in today’s video diary: “Find the sacred during the mundane.”
Take Action
1. Luxuriate in the now — Don’t let our socialized ideas of happiness get in the way of true, simple joys: chats with loved ones, the feeling of your pajamas or sheets, a warm cup of tea.
2. Gratitude journal — Write down five things you’re grateful for. It will train your brain to be on the lookout for the simple joys every day brings.
Here’s what I’m grateful for:
-being able to meet up with soul brothers Kevin Lee and Lonnell Williams

-a random phone call from former student and now friend Erin Sitt
-the joy of receiving a handwritten letter

-spectacular but smoky views
-yummy meals
-my friend Lee’s secret garden (letting me staycation at her abode)
-Carolyn Myss’s book “Anatomy of the Spirit” (current read)
-my daily meditation practice.
3. Breathe — Take 10 deep breaths to reboot your mind, body and spirit. Then you’ll notice more of the daily mundane happenings that bring you true happiness that exist in the small morsels of moments that are sacred.
What mundane things are driving you insane? And do you see the sacred in these moments? Please share and tag me @toanlamtv & @goinspirego