Poetry in Motion: Do One Thing Today to Move You Forward

A piece of peace. That’s my hope, wish and prayer for you.

How do we get this? Just do one thing to get the momentum going. One thing that lifts your spirits.

When life was busier, we all said we wish we had more time for <FILL IN THE BLANK>. Is it to read, spend time with kids, work on a project, bake, write?

For me, it was to write more poems. So today, I’m sharing one with you.

Doing one thing will inspire you to take the first step, a forward motion to get you out of this seemingly stagnant time and boost your mood, too.

Here is my poem, “DANG, YIN YANG.”

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As I sit and meditate, staring out of my window this morning, the yellow sun peeks through the fog. The ray of light hits my third eye. It’s as though the sun is telling me to wake up. My eyes adjust from being closed and now it feels like I have yellow-filtered sunglasses on.

Wow, a moment of peace amidst the collective chaos of the world pandemic.

I can’t help but think of the Yin and Yang of the times.

Just like that, the whole world changed.

And just like that, 16 days ago we were put on a shelter-in-place mandate in San Francisco.


Our routines and the world we humans created seems to have stopped. Our normalcy shattered.

But Mother Nature is returning to her true normal as the Earth keeps spinning, the flowers keep blooming, the birds keep chirping. The sun rises. It resets — a warning for us to reset.

To grieve, reprieve and receive the messages. What matters most?

We collectively asked for more time. We asked to slow down. We asked to be more present.

The gift was delivered. The present moment.

But how will we see it? How will we change from it? How do we survive and get through it?

By sitting in the contrast…

The darkness, the light.

The fear, the facts.

The stress, the calm.

The tick, the tock.

The contrast…

Without the yin, there is no yang.

And we were brought back to simpler times.

We are cooking at home, buying less, exchanging one stress for another, it seems.

But less is so much more.

More time to connect — virtually — with loved ones, more time to be creative and, if you’re not feeling it, more time to not do anything, but just be.

I wonder though, when will I get to see my family again in Sacramento and hug my niece and nephews? When will we return to our human understanding of “normal”? Or is this our new normal?

When will we be able to have dinner parties and have friends over or go out for coffee or a bite to eat?

There are so many unknowns — but there have always been unknowns. But that is where the magic is. What we do with this present, in this present moment, are like seeds being planted. Water them with good thoughts, love on them with positive words and words of prayer. When they bloom, share the fruits and flowers with the world. For the present — sharing, caring, loving, what more can we ask for?

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What is one thing you promise to do to lift your spirits? Share in comments below or tag me @toanlamtv and @goinspirego.

Find one thing to enjoy in the present.


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